Looking for YouTube video Ideas? Then have I got something for you.
Every marketer knows that videos are a powerful tool for marketing and advertising, but unfortunately, there’s no secret formula for being successful with videos. What there is, however, is plenty of opportunity for success if you can be creative, authentic, and target your audience.
It’s no surprise that there’s been a spike in YouTube video consumption over the past years. YouTube is the second-most visited website, losing out only to its parent company, Google. On average, each YouTube visitor spends around 19 minutes watching videos. Many of these are suggested to them by the YouTube algorithm once they’ve stopped watching the original video they selected.
Another reason for YouTube’s popularity is that consumers stopped limiting themselves to TV and started consuming videos in other ways, primarily via YouTube, although streaming is mainstream these days.
Furthermore, users search on YouTube for solutions to problems the same way they do on Google. Another popular use of YouTube is to learn and get more information about products and brands via product reviews.
However, recent research shows that video consumption is changing, with trends including:
- consumers looking to brands for marketing videos
- a growth in shorter content
- viewers seeking hobby-related content

In an environment full of opportunities for businesses, the entrepreneurs who take the lead are those who know how to use the online medium to make creative and appealing content. That is, not just to sell products and services, but also understanding how to develop relevant material and build relationships.
Do you want to ride this wave, but don’t know exactly how? Then don’t miss all the YouTube content ideas I have for you.
28 Great YouTube Video Ideas

To help you think of ideas for informative or funny videos to create, I’ll list some insights in this article.
Feel free to use those that make the most sense for you and your business.
Check out the YouTube video ideas below and also the suggestions for cool themes for videos to go along with them.
1. Explainer Videos
Explainer videos are known as a content format that offers quick consumption as its main advantage.
Users love videos where people or brands explain things to them.
Explainer videos with presentations about the best ways to use your products may raise engagement and the number of views on your channel.
Additionally, audiovisual content that helps anticipate the possible questions of consumers might even shorten the buying cycle.
2. Review Videos
Reviews work as social proof of what you think about a product or service.
They can be used to find new books, watch a new series on Netflix, or find a product relevant to your interests.
From the moment you share your experience, as well as your perception and ideas, you might help others who are interested in that subject. You influence their purchasing decisions.
A typical example is bloggers who buy makeup products and create video reviews of their opinions or share comparisons to other products.
Another idea for a YouTube video is to watch a series or movie and talk about how it relates to a concept that’s relevant to your audience/in your field. This is a creative option that probably draws the attention of the interested audience who also watched that content.
3. Storytelling Videos
As I’ve already mentioned here on the blog, storytelling is one of the main powers in content nowadays.
After all, consumers don’t want to just hear about products or services; they want to understand how products can provide solutions to the problems in their lives.
When you tell a personal story during your YouTube video, you can help people who are living in that situation or will go through it in the future.
If you can tell a story they empathize with, they can identify with you, and this may encourage them to spend money with your brand.
This works by talking about things like an important event in your career or sharing a challenge you’ve conquered.
Some influencers use YouTube video ideas like this to talk about surgeries they underwent, how they chose their colleges, or document their teenage fun moments.
For relevance, and to keep your audience interested in your story, don’t forget to adapt it to the reality of your business.
4. Advice and Tips Videos
Tips videos are insights or recommendations, usually filmed with one person talking into the camera and demonstrating, that may help improve consumers’ lives, be it on a personal, professional, or business level.
Would you like an example?
The article you are reading right now. You could adapt it to an audiovisual format to create complimentary topics for your YouTube Videos.
In this case, I would be in the video, offering tips about ideas for your YouTube videos. I would show you demos for each tip, and I’d be talking you through each one. Easy to understand, right?
To be successful when recording YouTube videos, don’t forget to think about what makes life easier for your audience and base your tips around these ideas.
This could involve apps, sites, strategies, behaviors, or simply creative ideas.
Good idea: Look into AnswerThePublic for advice videos.
AnswerThePublic is a powerful tool to help plug you into exactly what your audience is thinking. Using it is simple. Enter any topic, brand, or product, choose your region, and get a full list of queries that real users are entering in Google to try to learn about that topic.
Look what happens when I enter in “YouTube ideas:”

Any one of these answers could be a potential concept for an advice video, and you know that it’s going to be a good fit for your audience, because they already want to know about it. The proof is all there with AnswerThePublic.
5. Q&A Videos
Have you considered reading questions from your audience and finding opportunities to answer them on video?
You can then use the comments and messages received on social media or on the videos themselves as a source for further YouTube video ideas.
The starting point could be common questions from your consumers or even your own videos.
You only have to tell the audience that you’ll be preparing a specific video to answer questions about a certain subject.
To make it even more organized, create a hashtag to make it easier to identify and sort these questions.
As soon as you’ve selected the most interesting questions, get ready to reply to them, turn on the camera, and go ahead.
However, don’t forget to mention the person who created the question, so they can feel even closer to you.
This strategy also motivates other people to interact more with your YouTube channel.
6. Webinar Videos
Webinars are videos streamed live to promote relevant content.
This makes content more interesting and generates value for the audience.
Generally, all you need to do in a webinar is to choose a good subject and save at least 20 minutes to talk about it.
If the audience reacts positively, you can extend the stream.
What you need to keep in mind is that the most important thing is not the length of the video, but to meet the expectations of your audience.
Done correctly, this is a powerful tool to establish your authority before your audience.
Pro Tip: use Ubersuggest to find good webinar content ideas
Ubersuggest is a free powerful tool for finding great content ideas for your webinars.
It helps you to find out if people search for the topics you want to talk about during your webinar videos.
You can search for more general topics, such as “video marketing,” as an example to find out how many people are searching for that topic.

As we can see in the example above, video marketing has an average of 4,400 searches per month on Google.
However, if you want to find more ideas, you can simply scroll down the page and check out similar keywords and content ideas that will help you find a good webinar topic.

7. List Videos
People love lists. Maybe it’s because they give structure and organization. However, regardless of the reason, list videos allow you to generate multiple cool ideas for YouTube videos. Just think of a top ten list of your favorite (or least favorite things), and you’re ready to go!
These can be lists of tips, lists of books, articles, or inspiring behaviors. You decide.
To record this kind of video, start with a short introduction about why you chose that subject.
Next, to make it more interesting for the audience, introduce each item on the list and make comments about why each of them is in the order you chose.
8. DIY YouTube Videos

While it sounds like one of those passing trends, this is a video idea that usually works well, because it’s teaching someone how to do something by themselves.
This could involve anything from crafts using recyclable materials to digital content templates, for example.
However, to make this kind of video, you must have mastered the subject of the video. If you show you can’t do the thing you claim to be an expert on, or you can’t work your own product, your customers won’t be able to trust you.
After all, showing you can’t teach a user how to do something can be bad for your image and the image of your business.
9. Motivational Videos
Encouraging words are good for everyone.
As human beings, it’s natural for us to need encouragement and motivation to overcome difficulties and move on.
As cliché as it sounds, this is the sort of thing that everyone likes to receive.
One example is motivational videos shared on Facebook that go viral; you know, the videos you suddenly start receiving from multiple people.
To make your own motivational video, think about what you can say to help your audience feel inspired.
Prepare your speech to be full of emotion and record it.
This will make your videos more human and will bring you and your brand even closer to your audience; if it goes viral, even better, right?
10. Product Unboxing Videos

Product unboxing is another creative idea for YouTube videos.
Think of a product you’ve just bought or received as a gift.
Next, grab the camera and open the package in front of your audience, showing your impressions about the product you have in hand.
Digital influencers make lots of these videos, especially to show their audiences what they “received that week.”
This is another way to help consumers anticipate their questions about the quality and appearance of certain products.
When you open items in front of the camera, you make their choice easier if they are still wondering if it’s worth purchasing or not.
11. Challenges Videos

Uniquely fun, challenge videos go viral fairly easily.
Remember the ice bucket challenge and the mannequin challenge? These are just two examples of challenge videos that went viral and even had celebrities joining in.
To increase the chances of other people joining the challenge, try tagging the people you are challenging in your video.
Just be careful challenging celebrities, because they usually charge to take part in these things, unless your idea is very creative and uncommon.
12. React Videos
Reacts are simply reactions and recording how you react to a certain situation.
When well-planned, these can be good YouTube video ideas that are fun, creative, and sometimes motivational.
There’s great freedom of subjects; you can record a video reacting to movies, sitcoms, videos from other people, or even messages you received.
13. Gameplay Videos

Gameplay videos are increasingly popular with young people who like games, and advertisers are spending big in this category, too.
They can show you playing your favorite game, your opinion about a game you got recently, information about releases, or how to go to the next level.
Since this is a niche type of video, only use this idea if you really understand the subject (and play well, of course).
14. Event Coverage Videos
Is an interesting event for your audience taking place in your hometown? Go over there with a camera and a few creative video ideas.
To make event coverage more interesting, try contacting the organizers to find out who you can interview on location.
This will make your videos more professional and may direct new users to your channel.
15. Travel Videos
Travel videos are the darlings of people who like going on trips and experiencing other cultures.
You have probably watched this kind of content before, right?
With travel videos, all you need to do is to start taking your camera with you on your next trips, record your journey through those destinations and share your experiences. You don’t even have to travel far from home; chances are, anywhere you live has something interesting nearby.
In your videos, you can talk about the history and interesting facts about the places you visit. People interested in those locations may find your brand through your videos about that place, opening you up to potential new audiences.
It also helps people who are interested in visiting those regions get more information about them. It’s a nice strategy that also works as a tip of which outings and restaurants are better value for money, for example.
16. Tutorial Videos

As the name itself shows, tutorials are made to teach concepts or techniques to your audience, like digital marketing.
There’s a range of subjects and levels of complexity taught by digital influencers in different industries.
Examples? How to contour your face or how to make your own planner.
To choose the best tutorials to share in your channel, consider your market niche and also how much you know about the subject.
Tutorial videos must be objective and easy to replicate.
That is, your audience needs to know how to do the task shown in the tutorial without much trouble.
17. Tag Videos
Tags make it possible to get closer to your followers.
When you use tags in videos, they help you sort videos according to your keywords, making searches easier for users.
It’s like a hashtag for videos, encouraging user actions.
It works like this:
Let’s imagine I’m publishing a video with the tag ‘50 facts about me’.
When YouTubers use this same tag, they must mention 50 facts about themselves; this is like an editorial line for videos, with a good potential for going viral.
18. Memory Videos
It’s a fact: Many of us enjoy a bit of nostalgia.
However, like everything your company publishes online, you must make these memory videos relevant.
Be careful not to make something too commercial. If you go overboard, the number of “dislikes” might grow.
YouTube published a video about 2018 that has accumulated millions of views.
So far, so good.
However, the video looks like advertising, not like a summary of 2018.
The audience reacted very negatively to that, and the video broke the record for the highest number of dislikes.
19. Interview Videos
Guest participation can also turn into ideas for creative YouTube videos.
Hosting an expert in a certain subject can offer more relevant content to your audience and make their experience with your videos even richer for them.
You and your host can build your audience together.
It’s an exchange where both sides win.
Did you get a great response from your audience? Consider making interviews a regular feature in your video channel.
20. Chalk Talk
Ever seen a YouTube video where an expert on a certain subject shows their reasoning on a board, like back in your school days? This technique is called chalk talk.
It works like a video lesson using drawings, graphs, flow charts, and text written on a whiteboard.
If the content is relevant and useful to the public, the chances of getting “likes” and positive comments are very high.
21. Video Essay/Opinion Videos
Got something to say? Go right ahead!
Creating opinion videos for YouTube is a great way to express yourself and share your ideas with others. It’s also an easy way to connect with other people and find like-minded individuals who share your passions and interests.
To get started creating video essay opinion videos for YouTube, all it takes is an idea. Think of something you’re knowledgeable about or passionate about, then start brainstorming topics around that subject.
Of course, you can go another route and use controversy, but think carefully before going down this route.
22. Behind-The-Scenes Videos
Perhaps you’re a brand looking for YouTube video ideas? Well, look no further because behind-the-scenes videos are massively popular.
Consumers are curious. They want to know more about a business before they buy from it. Or they might want to see how your brand makes a product. Behind-the-scenes videos also allow buyers to get to know the people behind the business, too.
Plus, it’s always fun to peek at how brands develop products, even if it’s not quite as glamorous as people think.
23. YouTube Shorts
Undoubtedly, we’ve got TikTok to thank for the growing interest in short-form videos, and this format is perfect if you’re short on time.
With Shorts, you can publish unique content for your YouTube channel in minutes, even if it’s just a brief snapshot of your day.
Another advantage of YouTube Shorts is that you don’t need fancy equipment. Just a smartphone is enough to get you off the ground running. Then all you need is 60 seconds to spare.
Additionally, since 2021, creators in the YouTube Shorts category became eligible for the Shorts Fund, which pays depending on performance.
24. Event Recap Videos
If you’re looking for a way to engage your viewers and provide engaging content, filming an event recap video is perfect. All types of occasions lend themselves to recap videos, whether product launches, annual conferences, or sporting events. They all make great topics for YouTube videos and remind them of a fantastic day.
Start by introducing yourself and giving detail about the event, then dive into what happened during it! Detail the highlights and include interviews with attendees to add more depth and personality to your video.
25. Company Culture Videos
With the rise of digital media, it’s crucial for companies to consider how they use video content to promote their brand; company culture videos on YouTube allow organizations to showcase their values in a visual medium.
Company culture videos can bring people into the business’s world by showcasing its products and services; they can also act as a recruitment tool by highlighting the team members and work environment in a positive light.
By creating a sense of community with these videos, companies can attract like-minded individuals interested in joining their organization.
26. Presentations
Are you looking for a way to spice up your presentations? Look no further than YouTube! When you are looking for a more open audience than typical webinars, YouTube allows a new delivery format.
Posting presentations on YouTube gives you the ideal platform to share your ideas and engage with an audience more personally.
You can create custom slides and videos, add images, animations, or use music to enhance your content. Plus, the ability to broadcast live for real-time interaction helps bring the presentation experience to life.
27. Milestone Videos
We all have them in our lives, which makes milestone videos one of the easiest things to post on YouTube.
Milestone content is a fantastic way to immortalize special occasions, whether it’s a graduation, a wedding, or the first day at work.
With milestone videos, you can create a unique and fun video for any special occasion or event that deserves. What better way to capture the moment and make sure it lasts forever?
28. Product Announcement Videos
In the business world, a successful product launch is essential for long-term success. As a result, you should make sure you make the announcement on every channel, YouTube included.
How do you go about this? Think of it as a precursor to an unboxing or product video. Provide a little bit of hype as well as a little insight into what the product can do. You don’t need to be overly detailed, but give enough for the viewer to want more content on said product.
Popular categories include fitness, fashion, product reviews, educational, gaming, and celebrity videos.
Average earnings are 18 cents per view. Here’s a tool for estimating your potential earnings.
YouTube makes payments between the 21st-26th of every month and you need to reach the minimum $100 threshold.
YouTube pays through its Partner Program and you need an Adsense account.
Creators also have the option to partner with Multi-Channel Networks (MCN) for affiliate earnings. You can sign up for this when you join the Partner Program and sign up for MCN via YouTube Studio.
Additionally, eligible creators can earn through YouTube Shopping. This feature lets you:
– Connect your store to YouTube
– Feature other brands’ products in live streams
– View metrics for videos, live videos, and Shorts
– Get insights into the products that resonate with your audience.
There are plenty of YouTube video ideas out there in the digital universe. The best thing is you get to choose which types spark ideas for you and mesh with your brand.
The more authentic, creative, enthusiastic, and relevant you are, the more your audience will like you.
If you want help with a video marketing strategy, let our agency know. Our team of experts can help!
Did you like the ideas for YouTube videos I shared in this article? Tell me in the comments below.

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